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Technical Analysis Redefined

Trading doesn't have to be a lonely battle. Trading Channels provides guidance with daily video updates, intraday charts, trade setups, entry/exit signals on 10s of different instruments including major stock indices, FX pairs, commodities and cryptocurrencies.

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You need someone who has fought this battle countless times and understand what you are going through. We take trades together, we exit together.

We guide you using a proprietary technical analysis system delivering trading setups with superb precision and impeccable timing without using complex combination of traditional parameters such as moving averages, indicators, wave counts and fibonaccis.

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Clean and precise trading setups with superb precision, impeccable timing without complex combinations of moving averages, indicators, EW theory and Fibonaccis.

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Let our advice guide you towards becoming a more complete, informed investor who knows how and when to buy and sell.

What You Get

A Private Twitter channel for intraday charts, trade setups and signals on 25-30 instruments.

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Daily video analysis discussing major indices, fx pairs, commodities and cryptos.

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Long term charts updated monthly for investors with longer term horizons.

Past Trades & Setups

Wedge Breakdown
Triple Resistance Reversal
Trend Continuation
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